As you can see from multiple changes during her commercial shoot yesterday, the thinnification of Lilo continues – little arms, little legs.
So she’s skinny… but is she sober?
Let’s hope for it, even in the face of reports that suggest she may not be spending time with the best influences.
First those rumours that she hooked up a couple of weeks ago with Heath Ledger in New York. Heath Ledger who as issues of his own, who is no stranger to what Lilo had in her “borrowed pants” the day she maniacally chased some bitch down the PCH, Heath Ledger who allegedly has such a voracious “happy” appetite he doesn’t like to share…and fatherhood apparently hasn’t changed him.
As such, in combination with Lindsay’s history… it can’t be good.
And it’s even worse that back in LA she’s now been sighted with Big Greek Stav – ex boyfriend of Hollywood Ebola Paris Hilton – who has played both girls back and forth for ages. Word is Stav is currently pro Lindsay and therefore anti Ebola and shunned the virus the other day in favour of Orange Lilo.
But Stav is a party whore too. And hanging out with him can’t have good consequences either, especially since Paris is already on the revenge warpath.
Will keep you posted.
Photos from Wenn