Not in rehab but on Long Island… Lindsay Lohan has returned home, staying at her mother’s house with her sister, actually succeeding at flying out of LA undetected into NYC.
You see? It IS possible.
As you would expect, Dina has told the press that Lindsay is doing “fine”. And the father wants to see her. And is telling the media about it. But on the off chance you think she’s hiding because she’s realising the error of her ways, laying low for change…for a change... think again. Because this is Lilo, the prodigy of Dina, and word is the strategy is about feeding the anticipation so that when she finally comes out, she causes a commotion.
Attention whore for life.
UPDATE: new reports have surfaced that Lilo has checked into rehab in Utah after spending the weekend in Long Island. Wouldn’t put it past her mother to let her have a final bender before sending her off again. Hope Utah finally does the trick.