Having worked with at-risk youth at Covenant House Vancouver, having watched so many of them go in and out of treatment, I understand that relapse is a part of recovery, that every clean break means clean time, and clean time is an achievement unto itself – a good foundation our kids can hopefully add to over time.

As such, should the same benefit of the doubt apply to Lindsay Lohan who has completed a 45 day program at Promises and who claims to be drug and alcohol free even though she showed up in Vegas the other day for a birthday party at Pure?

Statement from her publicist:
"On Friday, July 13, 2007, Lindsay Lohan successfully completed her 45 days of residential and extended care treatment at Promises. She has transitioned to an intensive outpatient program, which includes attendance at daily AA meetings, outpatient therapy and daily testing. On her own, she has also made the decision in support of her sobriety to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet. In part she is wearing the bracelet so there are no questions about her sobriety if she chooses to go dancing or dining in a place where alcohol is served."

Look closely at her leg – there it is. Indeed a monitoring bracelet…but for alcohol. If memory serves, it was coke that was found when she got busted, non?

But still… perhaps it’s too early to be cynical? She did her time, unlike Britney she also owned up to her addiction. A little blind faith for now, yes? Or at least til Dina Lohan comes along and buggers it up for everyone…

source and source