Lindsay Lohan was only two hours late last night to the Liz & Dick premiere. Response from the assembled media in attendance: well at least she showed up. All of her. All the cheapness, all the injections, all those lips. So much lip. Lips so large Nicole Kidman’s seem regular-sized in comparison.
There was also an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno during which she insisted that the time isn’t “right” yet for her to be interviewed by Barbara Walters and, well, Jay being Jay, he didn’t push, and that’s why they send him all the ones who can’t be pushed.
So is Liz & Dick the beginning of a comeback? Will we look back one day, when she’s holding her Oscar, and point to Liz & Dick as the turning point?
According to The Hollywood Reporter “drinking games were made for movies like this”.
According to ABC News, “great actors disappear into roles. Lohan photo-bombs this one”.
According to Entertainment Weekly, she didn’t even bother speaking like Elizabeth Taylor; she didn’t bother changing her voice to resemble the person she was playing, in spite of the fact that she would have had a house-full of research material to draw from.
Remember, the press has been under no obligation to kiss Lohan’s ass, not for some time now, the way it’s expected of them for other celebrities. She has f-cked her own career so hard that the media can report on her candidly without fear of repercussion. And on top of that, with this joke of a “movie”, many of them now feel insulted. There was not even the pretense of a story. There was no effort. Liz & Dick is simply a series of costume changes and shots of Lindsay Lohan either smoking or throwing glassware, more like a reality show than anything else.
So, you know, that Oscar is within reach now.