Quick programming note, sorry I forgot to include in the open.
TV LiveBlog with Duana goes this afternoon at 3pm ET/noon PT. That’s a heads up for you Supernatural fans. And Mr Sunshine. And more.
Back to Lindsay Lohan, let’s get the facts out of the way first:
Lilo showed up in court to be arraigned. The judge, in “polite” language, called her out for being a spoiled twat, and told her to get her sh-t together. He did not send her to prison but he did set $40K bail and warn her that he would kick her ass in jail if she f-cks up again. Apparently they’re working out a plea bargain now. While Lohan maintains her innocence she also doesn’t want to take a chance in losing the case and becoming someone’s bitch behind bars. If you haven’t already, you should watch the video here. As you can see, that judge has no f-cking time for her drama. There will be another hearing in a couple of weeks.
Ok so can we talk about her tits now?
Because you don’t get dressed up like this unless you want people talking about your tits, right? She says she wore white to demonstrate her “innocence” which is what one says when she’s in the fourth grade presenting at the school assembly, although Lindsay Lohan, who barely graduated high school, probably can’t manage a more sophisticated sort of symbolism.
Instead we get a cheap white dress cut up to her crotch and… braless?
They’re hanging a little too freely, non? Maybe it’s just a really great seamless situation. Whatever it is, I can’t stop staring at them. I guess that’s the point. To distract me from her lip? Her top lip is crazy. Like a descendent of Nicole Kidman. Like, I can’t decide if she’s pushing it out all ducky on purpose or if it’s just like that normally now.
Between the breasts and her mouth it’s the most entertainment she’s provided in a long time.
Photos from Wenn.com and Toby Canham/Gettyimages.com