US Weekly made, like, the funnest game today - a projected look into Hollywood Future, with "forensic imaging" predictors for several high profile celebrity spawn. Not surprisingly Lourdes Ciccone Leon comes out the biggest winner while Apple ends up looking properly constipated which, I suppose, isn"t that far off the mark, considering my Gwyneth is refreshingly the biggest snot in the business. Disappointingly, if the US projection is to be believed, bad ass Maddox will not fare well, resembling one of those unfortunate souls genetically cursed with the "aging at the speed of light" disease that always seems more myth than material. And then there"s Madd"s future best friend Rocco Ritchie - a future perv if I ever saw one. The biggest shocker? Sean Preston Federline. Because if this is the way it"s to be, then Britney"s boy be pretty damn cute. Check it out for yourself - the best 10 minutes you"ll ever waste.