There was a casting call yesterday in New York at Macy’s for Madonna’s Material Girl clothing line that’s apparently now being managed, at least partly, by her 15 year old daughter Lourdes who was at the event with Kelly Osbourne and I don’t blame you if you thought, at first, that Kelly Osbourne was Madonna because....hilarious, right?
Let’s not discuss how we feel about a 15 year old CEO judging other teens on the basis of style and superficiality since that’ll keep us here for hours. I prefer instead, right now at least, to focus on Lola’s skinny jeans and the fact that they are the perfect length in heels and look amazing on her. I’m short, so all my skinny jeans they bunch up around the ankles. I don’t mind this when I’m wearing flats, but it’s a little messy with a pump. And it’s just never the same tucking the hem underneath. They don`t sit the same. The solution of course is to buy two pairs of jeans, hem one for heels and keep the other for flats. Not exactly a civilian luxury. Tucking it is then.