Remember that Brazilian model she was said to be dating last month? He’s with her in New York, photographed with her as they left lunch and her children too this weekend on a shopping excursion, not particularly inconvenienced or surprised by the presence of the paps. Madonna was never shot so clearly with Alex Rodriguez. Needless to say, she must be up to something. Whatever it is, hopefully this means it’s over with ARod. Because he’s a f-cking loser.

And she looks good, non? Even without her sunglasses on. Like her cheekbones haven’t been amped up in a while. They’ve settled into her face, no longer volcanoes bubbling over and waiting to erupt. So Baby David Banda isn’t scared anymore.

Madge and Guy Ritchie are said to have reached a custody agreement – the kids are staying with her. This of course is why he accepted the money, right? Of course the pro-Guy/anti-woman British press is reporting that Guy is gutted about the arrangement. No doubt all those millions will take care of that little problem in no time.

And how will she make up for the sizable portion of her bank account she’s signing away to the ex? For the first time, Madonna is extending her tour this summer in Europe starting July 4 in London. As the recording industry is dying a quick death, this is where they can cash in.

And… will she appear at the Oscars?

As you know, presenters are not being announced in advance. First time Oscar producers Bill Condon and Laurence Mark are promising more surprises, less stuffy in the ass Academy standards. A shake up. More new entertainment, less black and white nostalgia. Jack Nicholson too. And as close to 3 hours as possible. Heh. Click here for more.

Buzz is already building that they’re trying to land Madonna.

Keep you posted.

Photos from and