First of all, Margot Robbie looked spectacular. It was the first real showstopper on the carpet, black with sleeves and – bold statement here – the best necklace of the evening.
But what I love most about Margot Robbie is that she has shown up on the carpet and she seems like a woman. Stands like one, speaks like one. Never giggles, never seems like a shy preschooler. Now, she’s 24 years old – she’s undoubtedly a woman – but a lot of her contemporaries don’t and aren’t. The default for a 20something is to seem like a girl.Selena Gomez, age 22, seems like a girl. Anna Kendrick seems like a girl. Emma Stone feels like a girl. Jennifer Lawrence, Kristen Stewart, they seem like girls, experiencing first experiences and being naïve and young.
Robbie doesn’t feel that way. She reminds me of a generation ago. At 21, Julia Roberts was already a woman. Sandra Bullock has always been a woman. Halle Berry, even when she was just starting out, was a woman. I feel like they’re somehow welcoming Robbie into their club. She could do worse by a mile.
PS. Can’t wait for the hate mail about the best necklace at the Oscars! Love you!