Can’t get enough of this sh-t. Nothing more delicious than a shameless bitch.

Mariah Carey at the VH1 Save the Music Foundation gala last week required the attendance of not one, not two, but NINE assistants to address her every need, including adjusting her breast tape, periodically brushing away stray hairs, and having heated hot rollers on the ready just in case a section of hair needed some more body.


This of course from the same woman who once required a minion to HOLD UP A STRAW to her lips when she was thirsty during an autograph signing. I wouldn’t even know how to ask that.

You really do have to worship a woman who has the gall to do it. Who will unabashedly say to someone, actually articulate the words – I need you to hold up the straw to my mouth so I can take a sip.

Love, love, love.

Here’s Mimi Cheese barely avoiding Camel Toe in NYC the other night. Those shoes kill me. Do you think she puts them on by herself?
