Before she’d do the bare minimum you know? Like walk five steps to her bodyguard before he picked her up and carried her up the stairs. This by the way is a true story. And well BEFORE she got pregnant.

Back in November, Mimi probably made them carry her couch, with her on it, into the Home Shopping Network studios, with 18 costume and hair changes, to sell her rainbows and Hello Kitties. Click here for a refresher.


Further along in her pregnancy?


Now any “extra” use of energy comes to a halt, like shifting her weight from one hip to the next, or scratching her ass. She’d grudgingly do these things before herself. But there comes a time when a girl must put herself first, stop sacrificing her own spirit for the sake of others.

Mariah Carey, always selfless, has just now decided to put Mimi #1 for a change. Because the babies need her.

Which is why she’s pimping her sh-t at her own house now. The cameras are coming to her. The viewers are coming to her. At her mansion in Los Angeles.

In other words…



It was the most classic, best episode of Cribs…EVER.

I still watch it now and again for kicks. Remember the fashion show? Remember the gym? Remember every glorious minute?

If you haven’t, you need to stop right now, whatever it is that you’re doing, and take 15 minutes of Mimi time to make this happen. It’s essential to your gossip education.

Click here for the original, and then see below for the re-edited version with commentary. Both pieces are pure JOY.


Photos from