Shooting Woody Allen’s upcoming Midnight in Paris, the director’s latest muse having moved on from London and Barcelona. It’s easier for him to work in Europe now. And it’s quite the cast. In addition to Marion Cotillard and Owen Wilson, the film will star Kathy Bates, Adrien Brody, Carla Bruni (yes, the French first lady), Rachel McAdams, and Michael Sheen. That’s a lot of Oscar winners and nominees.

Midnight in Paris is a romantic comedy – hate that Woody Allen movies are classified the same way as Jennifer Aniston movies, it’s totally NOT the same – described by the studio to be “(the celebration of) a young man’s great love for Paris, and simultaneously explores the illusion people have that a life different from their own is better.”

As for Marion and that note from the other day about those totally not slamdunk reports out of France that she and Guillaume are over – some French gossips and outlets keep insisting it, but there was a confirmed sighting last weekend, just before she started filming. This is the hope I cling to.

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