Jacek and I flew to Toronto recently and watched Cyrus on the plane. By the end of it all he wanted to talk about was Marisa Tomei. I didn’t mind. She is crazy sexy in that movie. Crazy sexy. There’s something about the way she talks, a hint of a baby girl voice but not grating like SJP, she holds her body like you know there’s a freak underneath, and of course the face, perhaps not the most exquisite face in the business, but beauty doesn’t have to be intimidating, and oftentimes it’s the faces you find comfort in that turn you on the most. Maybe it has to do with the fact that she hasn’t f-cked around with it. At least not obviously. There are lines around the sides of her mouth, her eyes crinkle attractively, she has two lips and not eight, and there is actual movement in her forehead. This is genetics. I totally believe it’s genetics.
Anyway, she’s on his Five List now. But I can’t remember who he kicked off to make room for her.
Here’s Marisa at the Academy’s Governors Awards the other night. Speaking of SJP, that too is a Vivienne Westwood and it is amazing.
Photos from Frederick M. Brown/MARK RALSTON/Gettyimages.com