I don’t mean that kind of douchebag in Ed Hardy or driving around in a pick-up truck even though he sells mobile phones for a living. No, those boys like their women dirty. I’m talking about your boyfriend, your husband, a man who might actually enjoy reading now and again, who does go out with his friends to do the things that dudes do but can also manage a real conversation without grunting…
They do exist.
And for them, a constant name that appears on their Five Lists is Mary Louise Parker.
So f-cking sexy, right?
Jacek is into her. Duana’s boyfriend is very, very into her. I am very, very into her. I would. So would. I even liked her in RED. But I especially liked her when she was Amy in The West Wing. Is there ANYTHING better than Amy and Josh flirting???
Anyway, here’s MLP looking really good in Manhattan today heading to an interview. And just a few great moments from a great show. Because I wasted half an hour on this just now farting around on YouTube and thought you might want to do the same.
Photos from Doug Meszler/Splashnewsonline.com