Woody Harrelson wore it best last night. I either forgot or never knew in the first place that he could do clothes. But when he walked out my first thought was oh hey now Woody can wear the sh-t out of a pair of pants. Please. The right answer here is that you would totally have sex with Woody Harrelson before Adam Levine. It’d be a lot more fun. And that’s what many of you have been emailing me to say: that these two seem like a lot of fun to be around. Sure. But you’ll always be in the audience, you know? Matthew and Woody were the high school seniors last night, up there on stage receiving worship from the freshman, giving hope to the sophomores. “One day, maybe you’ll be as cool as we are…but can you really be as cool as we are?”

Would that swagger have been there after Heisenberg came and took them both out? Woody was probably never going to win. But Matthew, he’s been winning everything. Even Kimmel, earlier in the night, made mention of the fact that the entire room expected it. And yet Bryan Cranston succeeded where Leonardo DiCaprio couldn’t. You could see there in the slight clench of his jaw, McConaughey wanted it bad. He wanted to make history. He was disappointed when he didn’t. But the television academy denied him…maybe not on the grounds that he’s a movie star, but in True Detective’s definition of itself as a drama series instead of miniseries.

No matter. Everyone expected a showdown – Breaking Bad vs True Detective. In the end it wasn’t much of a battle. Matthew McConaughey couldn’t challenge 6 seasons of pure television greatness. Frankly, and I’ve said this before, True Detective, season 1 to me at least, was overrated. Go home to your Oscar. It’s enough.