Megan Fox changed halfway through the show last night. Two outfits – one for the carpet, one for presenting on stage.




The poor man’s Angelina Jolie? TWO DRESSES?

Bitch… please!!!

Megan Fox is, at best, a Blender girl. Crack open a skin rag – there are easily at least half a dozen skanks who look exactly like her.

So why in the good name of Shiloh Jolie Pitt does Megan Fox merit a double shot?

Check her out – first in a cheap ass pink piece of sh*t, then later on in an equally skitty looking white number, inspiring erections everywhere.

This of course is the same girl who staged a bit of a protest against nude photos taken of her on set a few weeks ago. She was shooting a water scene, the pictures were widely circulated across the web, and demure little Megan supposedly threatened to sue the studio for compromising her purity, objecting to being objectified.

Take a look at any number of her previous spreads with FHM etc. Does that look like a girl who objects to being objectified?

Sit DOWN Megan Fox!

Photos from