A major event red carpet can be a great equaliser. Without the false hype generated by a calculated single-focus strategy on behalf of one star, awards shows like the Globes separate the top from the bottom. The true celebrities from the pretenders.
And this is Megan Fox.
On a night when the Brange ruled, as they always do when they are present, when Tom Cruise reclaimed some of his former glory, when Kate Winslet took home double, when Drew and Cam and Pene and Salma played the girly show, Megan Fox was put in her place proving once and for all that her existence is entirely superfluous.
The dress helped too.
It came from Goldie Hawn's closet. Gaudy and gauche, low classy to the maxi, accessorised by mall hair, accentuated by an ordinary skin rag tarty face...calling her the next Jolie is like calling Bai Ling the next Gong Li.
Especially when she starts talking. Has Megan Fox earned the right to be blasé about being there? F-ck OFF. She went on about not belonging, about being too fringe to belong, like a leather jacket and middle finger you tattoo on one side of her ass because that’s how you really tell the establishment you want no part of it.
Please. Go. Away.
Now I’m done. They’ve already moved on. We should too. There is other gossip to get to.
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Photos from Wenn.com