Still not enough to make me quiver but at least now I “get” it. Why some of you have him listed at #1 on your Freebie Five. I can understand, I can understand in my head, but not in my loins. Because even though his proclivities are certainly suspect, absolutely “the Bube” had a certain charm.
Met him on Sunday on the carpet at the Junos and interviewed him briefly. As we showed on last night, he told me he was going commando. Like totally unprompted. The Bube is kinda unpredictable that way. Things just fly out of his mouth, things intended to be funny, and sometimes they are funny, and sometimes they come out totally wrong.
Anyway, he looks great. The best he’s ever looked. All the girls on our team were gushing, especially my producer Lara who loves him unabashedly even though I told her she was out of her mind. He has slimmed down though. And he looked great in his suit. And his hair, I liked his hair. But the Bube is on the wee side. Not tall at all. Barely taller than me. I’m 5 ft 3, I was wearing 3 inch heels, and we were practically shoulder to shoulder to shoulder. So probably 5 ft 8 max.
Still, as mentioned, Michael Buble is terribly charming. And lovely to the little people. But for his women issues, he really is a nice guy. He came to the Junos not expecting to win at all. He knew and was quite honest about the fact that Feist would crush him. But he graciously attended because the Junos are important to him. More important than the Grammys. Because the Junos are home. And The Bube loves home. When he took home the Fan Choice award he was genuinely thrilled and genuinely excited. Because for Michael, being embraced by Canadians is truly a super honour. Tell that to Avril Lavigne. More on her later.
So the Bube loves home and the Bube also loves boobs.
We hit up the Warner party on Saturday night. They had the best gift bag which one of YOU will be receiving. Michael was in the VIP section separated from the riffraff (us) by glass doors. Meaning we couldn’t get in but we could look in. Anyone could look in. And when we looked in he was sitting on a chair, with an attractive woman standing next to him, he had his arm around her waist, and she was leaning into his head, and his head was rubbing into her tits. Like rubbing. Like buried. And he was smiling widely and they were laughing and I’m just saying, if that were my husband or boyfriend, I would have been cutting that bitch. That’s all.