I guess that’s how it rolls in Hollywood.

Access Hollywood broke the exclusive last night – that Dexter stars Michael C Hall and Jennifer Carpenter are through. So they released a statement confirming it, claiming it’s been over between them for some time now. Awkward. The work situation is very awkward. Apparently she’s been unable to keep her sh-t down on the set, yapping to cast, crew, anyone about their problems, making people uncomfortable. And they’re worried how these two will manage their relationship now that it’s out in the open that it’s over. She’s expected to file divorce papers imminently.

Even though breakups are no big deal in Hollywood, because what lasts anymore?, this one felt more sad than most. He had cancer and they fought through that, and he’s fine now but their marriage became a casualty. This is why I’m so superstitious. Nothing is ever free. Something good happens, something must be sacrificed. And on the heels of his divorce announcement, he just received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor. Life is terrifying.

Here’s Michael the other day arriving at LAX.

Photos from Flynetonline.com