Michael Phelps’s new ads for Louis Vuitton, photographed by Annie Leibovitz, were released this week. Look at him in that suit with his hair all styled up. Aaaaand... I still prefer him in the pool. Just in the pool. Not talking, not mixing up his Asians, swimming only.

While Phelps secures luxury brand sponsorship, and an opportunity to travel the world, golfing, with Hank Haney, Ryan Lochte has also confirmed his first post-Olympic gig...

On The CW. On 90210.

#Jeah. That’s about right.

THR reports that Lochte will guest star on the show in October. He is apparently still looking into a spot on Dancing With The Sh-ts and The Bachelor. Unless of course he ends up at Chateau Marmont with Lindsay Lohan first.

“This Is My Time”, said Lochte before the Olympics, a true Hollywood famewhore on his way.