In early November, Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams were spotted in Brooklyn having dinner. The two have known each other since co-starring in The United States of Leland and while there was no suggestion from the outing that it was anything more than 2 friends catching up, I wrote at the time that if sparks flew, I’d be all over it. Would love them together.
Not sure if sparks are flying but the two did hook up again in Greenwich Village on Tuesday night, even stopping to take photos with a few fans. This according to which doesn’t print anything unless it’s been OK’d by the celebrity’s publicist. And although the magazine reports that reps for both stars had no comment, what that actually means is: we’ve received your message. We know what you’ll be printing and it doesn’t piss us off. We have no reason to call up your ass and rip you a new one.
Intriguing, non?
The lunatic McGoslings are now organising a mass suicide.
UPDATE: Page Six reports that the official statement is that they"re discussing a movie but that Ryan was gazing at Michelle quite intimately. Is your smutty sense tingling?