They’re my favourite. Polka dots and pompoms, stripes and pompoms, plain pompoms, I have them all. Pompom hats in the winter are the best and it’s all about flat boots.

This is a very smartly dressed Matilda Ledger in Brooklyn the other day going for a walk to the corner café for a coffee (mom) and a bagel (Matilda).

Even this barren bitch can’t resist that adorable tweed blazer. Or her theatricality. And especially not those chubby little hands.

As for Michelle – it’s not just the boots, it’s the coat too.


PS. I wrote the above earlier on the plane. Then we checked into our hotel here in Paris… and there’s Michelle Williams, standing right in front of us. SOOOO tiny. Like elfin faced. As Duana would say: why did she stop growing at 8 years old? But lovely. And unassuming. And great, great, GREAT skin.

And Matilda in a stroller just beside her. Michelle was wearing a black checked jumper, black tights, black flats, and a Stella sleeveless Alpine sweater and a leather shoulder back…

Matilda had a pompom hat tucked into her seat. It was grey.

They went shopping.

Right after Natalie Portman walked in. Also super super small, as in short, hair in a French braid looking a little lost, following around some woman like a lamb. Again – another 8 year old.

Will keep you posted.

Photos from