Oh Mickey Rourke.

As you know, he adores his dogs. His Loki travelled everywhere with him. He was hoping for some Loki luck on Sunday. But Loki…

Loki is gone.

According to Rourke’s publicist, Loki passed on Monday night.


Here’s what happened on Monday night:

Mickey was in New York. Ebola Paris Hilton was in New York. It had a party at Butter. Mickey partied with it. Then Loki died.

How many times do I have to say - you CANNOT mess around with this sh-t!!!! All it knows is infection and destruction. This is not a joke!

And the Oscars are not a joke! Has Ebola killed Mickey’s chances? The good news is that ballots were already submitted by the time the story leaked…

But the virus, the virus doesn’t respect deadlines. Or sealed envelopes.

Photo attached of Mickey from Monday night on his way out of Butter from Splashnewsonline.com