I can never tell when someone is early pregnant. If I didn’t know that Mila Kunis was pregnant, I’d never think she was pregnant seeing her here with Channing Tatum at CinemaCon yesterday to promote Jupiter Ascending, due out July 18th.
I’ve not seen any soundbites coming out of the appearance about her future motherhood, have you? Send to me if you have. But if not, it would mean that reporters were specifically instructed not to ask. Why not save it for May sweeps for Two And A Half Men?
A new trailer for Jupiter Ascending was released this week. Basically Mila’s character is the female NEO. The One. And Channing Tatum is Trinity. And Sean Bean is Laurence Fishburne. That would make sense considering that the movie comes from the Wachowskis, right? Two things I enjoyed most though:
Eddie Redmayne’s deranged, foamy at the mouth villain looks awesome.
And the name.
When Tatum cries out for – JUPITER!!! – I thought to myself, that is a BADASS name for a girl.
Duana’s telling me to f-ck off right now, and I’m not the name nerd on this site, but if you told me you were naming your daughter Jupiter, I’d say, do it.