Once upon a time, not too long ago, a longhaired pretty teen became the toast of the town, with a hit movie, a recording contract, and a too blonde, too orange mother-manager overseeing her career.
Pretty soon she was living at the Chateau Marmont, dating boys much much older, had developed an eating disorder, and in the year 2007 alone, was the proud graduate of not one, not two, but three substance abuse treatment programs.
Of course, that girl was Lindsay Lohan.
It’s 2008 now and Lilo has been replaced. By none other than Miley Cyrus…who also happens to have an omnipresent mother bearing a remarkable resemblance to Dina Lohan.
Take a look at Miley who pretty much owned the Kids’ Choice Awards this weekend, posing here on the carpet with mom Leticia. Leticia as you can see seems just as fond of the cameras as her rmentor Dina Lohan, even working the cross legged pose. Note also that this is the kind of woman, Leticia is, who names her daughter Destiny Hope.
That’s right.
Destiny Hope is Miley’s birth name. The name she was christened with. Her legal name until just recently.
Is it wrong of me to ask the question… what kind of a woman calls her kid Destiny Hope??? So what are the odds that Miley Cyrus WON’T end up like the others???
Take a close look at that expression – how the flash of the camera feeds her, how the soft padding of the red carpet sustains her, how they call for her (Miley! Miley!), how she hears their cries and feels nourished…
You really think she’ll escape that fate? You really do???
On the plus side – at the very least, she actually looks younger than Ali Lohan. Small mercies.
Photos from Splashnewsonline.com and Wenn.com