This black dress. It’s vintage Gaultier. She could never have pulled it off 3 years ago. Even 2 years ago? But now it’s perfect. Miley Cyrus wears a lot of provocative sh-t these days. But when she’s not trying to shove it in your face, she’s also fronting some interesting fashion, interesting pieces. There’s a pair of sick black and white oxfords she’s been kicking around lately that are badass. And always really, really good pants.

Love the makeup that’s happening here too.

Then she changed. It was yellow and short and two pieces and strong shoulders and this is good too. It might be the strongest double we’ve seen from her in a long time. But, as always, Miley is best when she’s proving she can perform, and live. Now that she’s made her statement, so many statements, I wonder if she’s ready to focus on that part.