Game Of Thrones Episode 9 on Sunday. Will the Khaleesi marry that guy? Will Jorah die? Please let him die. I don’t know what the point of that character is anymore. She has Tyrion now. Make Jorah go away. As for Margaery in prison…will old lady Tyrell bust her out of jail? And leave Cersei behind?

Margaery, real name Natalie Dormer, is currently in Serbia evidently shooting a movie with Taylor Kinney, better known as Lady Gaga’s fiancé. Gaga has joined him on location. And the gossip in me is wondering if it’s because Natalie is SO hot. Anyway, they all went out for dinner the other night. I’ve never been attracted to Kinney. Melissa Grelo, my colleague on The Social, thinks he’s super hot. Really?

You know why I can’t get there? Stop reading now if you’re into him and don’t want that to change because I’m about to kill it for you. Sometimes in photos I confuse Taylor Kinney with Gerard Butler. I would rather be on day 2 of my period with serious cramps than play Picture Him On Top Of You with Gerard Butler.