Sad isn’t it? That an actress of her caliber has to resort to these PR shenanigans, feeding the tabs one day with self-perpetuated baby rumours only to refute them 2 weeks later and then start the process all over again the following month? Have you ever seen such a desperate attempt to convince the public that her husband actually wants to have sex with her? And can you think of anything less believable?

Like clockwork, about 14 days ago, an Australian paper reported that Nicole was telling friends she was finally pregnant. The story was picked up everywhere, carried around the world, blared all over the radio – coincidentally just after best friend Naomi Watts confirmed she was expecting too. Needless to say, Naomi was removed from the headlines and replaced by Granny Freeze who reveled in the speculation and trotted her employee husband out and about from LA to Nashville just to drive the point home.

Then came the weekend trumpet from the News of the World, citing confirmation from Kidman confidantes that she was indeed with child…which her publicist promptly denied, explaining that she is scheduled to begin shooting a movie in a few weeks requiring heavy physical activity, including horseback riding, that would obviously jeopardize any hard-earned pregnancy….which of course brings Nicole and Keith back into the spotlight, even more convenient since the couple spent Easter weekend in Australia where Keith is scheduled to kick off a tour in a few weeks. Curiously enough, some say ticket sales haven’t been as brisk as they would have liked but I’m sure that has absolutely nothing to with a headline in one of the Aussie papers today that read: Nic and Keith still call Australia home…right?

All coincidence, no conspiracy…right?

