My Gwyneth took two years off when she had her babies. She was insufferable about reminding us, but she took two years off.
Before “birthing” Sunday, Granny Freeze Nicole Kidman made no secret of her desire to have a baby with Keith Urban. Even though she barely spent any time with first two children, she said she craved the opportunity to be pregnant, to be a mother again, and suffered greatly when she miscarried on more than one occasion. Such private details revealed in the most public fashion.
As you know, Granny got her surrogate wish. And she has celebrated Sunday Rose by going back to work immediately, non stop, in Australia and now in London for Nine with Daniel Day Lewis, Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, and Fergie, all of whom were at the Madonna Wembley show last week while rehearsing, dancing, and training in the UK to prepare for their roles.
Can you imagine Granny? In a studio with those women? Those younger women and their younger bodies? Her poor cosmetic surgeon is probably being summoned for botox hits by the hour. And her poor husband must be banned from the set...which is probably a good thing. Keith isn't good with temptation.
Fortunately for the paps, in spite of her busy schedule, Gran found the time to take Sunday out for a stroll on Sunday touring the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. She does have a rather grandmotherly air about her. Definitely closer to Goldie Hawn than to Kate Hudson, a sharp reminder that must be killing her every day.
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