Nicole Richie’s Memorial Day BBQ invitation – her rep says she was being sarcastic. I actually believe this.

But sarcastic or not…are her words in poor taste? Or does she have a wicked sense of humour?

Some are calling it irresponsible – some say given that young girls out there are starving themselves to look like her, writing something like this does nothing to deter the alarming thinnification of our youth.

Nicole’s supporters are saying it was a private invitation, meant to her friends only, who would “get” the joke, and therefore never intended to be made public.

Whatever the case, she certainly sounds like she’s taking her demons rather lightly of late. And it shows. Check out Nicole at Paris Hilton’s on Monday. Trouble with Joel and the prospect of prison for her own legal issues seem to be taking their toll.

Sad smut all around.

PS. Is true friendship even a possibility in this town? One after the other, getting sold out by their