When Ebola was released from prison, she promised she’d do more for the community, devote more time to raising awareness for her favourite causes, volunteer, give of her energy and her money. And she’s certainly been photographed on occasion, dressed to the nines, fully made up, posing for the paps while helping out a charity… but more often than not, she’s hired by a club, in Vegas, in Toronto, in Miami, to party her tits off for a few hours to the tune of a hundred thousand minimum.
Nicole Richie on the other hand… after trying to kill people in her car by driving under the influence the wrong way on a freeway, Nicole Richie has executed a text book PR rehabilitation strategy that refreshingly doesn’t feel forced, in large part because Nicole rarely parties anymore these days…although word is she and Joel were supposed to fly in to Toronto last week to guest DJ at Pam Anderson’s PETA party. They were grounded in New York due to inclement weather.
Stilll… Nicole actually spends time with her kid. But why the f&ck hasn’t she broken up with that disease?
She says that pregnancy changed her perspective and that having Harlow has redefined her priorities. Indeed, to date, since it was announced that she was expecting, there has been no smut around Nicole Richie related to drugs and or to starvation. Not that she eats a ton, not that her eating issues are completely behind her, but she does eat enough to stay strong. They say she eats for her baby. That’s good enough for me.
Harlow is now 8 months old. Nicole and Joel Madden talked about her yesterday at an event to support the Richie-Madden Foundation.
Said Joel: "She says 'mama' and 'dada,'. She says 'dada' when she wants to play. Wants to laugh. And 'mama' is everything else. When we walk into a place, she waves to everyone."
Added Nicole: "She is pulling herself up standing ... we don't have to burp her anymore. My priority is to make her unaware. She's eight months now. I can't put her in the infant seat and cover her. She'd definitely know something's going on ... she wants to experience life and, as a mother, that's important."
Nicole and Joel’s latest initiative is the "Text CHILD to 90999" campaign - $5 from each text will be to a children’s charity with specific focus on disadvantaged moms.
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