Nicole Richie and Joel Madden spent some time in Hawaii over the holidays before heading back to LA just before new year’s. On Saturday they volunteered at Six Flags for Beyond Shelter, an agency that works with the impoverished, providing housing and social programs to children living in the cycle of extreme poverty.
Nicole as usual looks adorable. But, like, why is Joel getting hotter and hotter? Is it just me?
As for their vacation in Maui…
Am told Joel was friendly and sweet with other tourists and their kids while Nicole, though not snotty, was more reticent when her daughter was around. No superstar bratty behaviour was observed, it was all very low key, the most remarkable, if you consider it that, was the adult to child ratio. Nicole and Joel were joined by 2 friends and also 2 nannies so a total of 6 adults to 1 baby.
Dude, if I could afford the double help, maybe having one wouldn’t be so bad.
Thanks Karen!
Photos from