Did that senile old bat Cindy Adams get it wrong…or is Nicole Richie lying through her publicist?
As reported yesterday, Cindy claimed to have seen Nicole Richie lighting up several times in NYC. Not surprisingly, Nicole’s rep has quickly come out swinging, categorically refuting Cindy’s account and calling it “irresponsible and untrue." The rep went on to note that Nicole was never in New York at the time but stopped short of threatening a lawsuit.
If it were me, after such an alarming accusation, I’d put my money where my denial is and push for a retraction. Just sayin’…
Oh, and Cindy Adams is a bitchy old bird. She will likely not take kindly to being called a liar. Can’t wait for her rebuttal.
This is Nicole arriving at her surprise baby shower thrown by Samantha Ronson in Hollywood on Sunday.