The magazine will GO AHEAD and reveal the entire ugly ugly truth behind Britney’s nasty ass photo shoot – first reported exclusively  here on Friday!

Way to grow balls… love, love, love.

If only People Magazine could follow suit.

But hopefully this is a trend?

As told to TMZ, OK’s editor said the following:
"OK! Magazine spent a heartbreaking day with Britney Spears and witnessed first-hand an emotional cry for help that will leave you shocked and sad. This week, on newsstands Friday, the truth will be told."

You know what this is? This is CONSEQUENCE. And too often in Hollywood, there are no consequences. But if you’re going to f*ck over a magazine willing to spin you a positive exclusive, a new precedent has now been set: screw up and you will pay.

So please gossips…REWARD OK Magazine. Go get it on Friday, hopefully they’ll go ahead and reveal the sordid details you read it right here first, and if so it is a beginning. For every time a celebrity shows up drunk or late or ungrateful (and trust me, working for an entertainment show – we see it ALL THE TIME) let it bite back in their asses.

As Dina Lohan would say: Justice!

And as a side benefit – maybe just maybe this piece of chicken fried skank will finally wake the f&ck up.
