Michael Pitt showed up at a society event in New York last night alongside the likes of Anna Wintour and Marc Jacobs and pouted with his big lips as though being there was an affront to his artistic integrity. That pubic f-ckery on his face is an affront to my visual integrity. Anyone who grooms their sh-t like that is an automatic please leave my party now.
Speaking of Boardwalk Empire...
The season finale is waiting for me – I hope – on my PVR. And I really hope they don’t kill off Lucy. Because, as you know, I LOVE Paz de la Huerta. Paz is the candy on the show. She’s the Mimi of Atlantic City. She is a delight to watch. For the amazingness. I laughed for an hour after that scene when she gets nailed from behind by Michael Shannon and she’s, like, still moaning after he pulls his penis out. She was probably moaning 10 minutes after they yelled Cut. THAT is Paz de la Huerta.
This is Paz at the Blue Valentine premiere earlier this week. I only knew about her being there after writing up at that report yesterday on Lively and Gosling from the WWD article with this delightful throwaway sentence:
Harley Viera-Newton manned the DJ booth near a shimmying Paz de la Huerta, who seemed hell-bent on a wardrobe malfunction.
That one sentence reminded me of a profile I read on Paz in New York Magazine a few months ago. I PROMISE you, it’s the best time you’ll have reading anything all week. So do it on lunch hour. Or with a glass of wine/martini later tonight. Morning coffee on Sunday. Savour it. You will enjoy every word including the part where she says Elvis rubbed her off through his grave at Graceland. Click here for the article.
Photos from Wenn.com and Stephen Lovekin/Michael N. Todaro/Gettyimages.com