I’m trying to decide if Joel Silver’s annual Memorial Day party is a star marker. Like whether or not there’s a threshold of fame/success/potential one has to reach to be invited. Or, you know, if it’s just a party and you go with who you know. But do they watch each other to see who’s there? And does it mean anything?

Those were my thoughts when I saw shots of Olivia Munn and Aaron Rodgers. As you know, as you’ve seen, Olivia is on the come-up. The way it was told to us her role in X-Men: Apocalypse was going to be the big “finally”. Sarah was disappointed, not that impressed. But, even though the reviews for the movie were sh-t, it doesn’t mean she didn’t get out of it what she needed. Is being at Joel Silver’s party an indication of that? Also, do you think she overdressed?