Gosling took her to the aquarium, then it was Jakey, Justin, and Bradley? Or was it Justin first then Jakey then Bradley? I don’t remember the order. But this girl is taking over from Kate Hudson’s manslinger and enjoying her single summer. And since she’s been linked with almost everyone so far, I suppose it’s only a matter of time before they make a story about her with Ryan Reynolds.
There was a dinner last night to celebrate Reynolds’s recent Details Magazine cover. Judd Apatow, Leslie Mann, and Jason Bateman showed up, the last two from the upcoming The Change-Up. Olivia Wilde is also in The Change-Up. Because...SHE IS IN EVERYTHING!!!
I know I ask this all the time but how did this happen?
The Change-Up is due in theatres in August AFTER The Green Lantern which... I mean that’s a critical open for Ryan. Sarah from Cinesnark said today during the LiveBlog that it’s tracking to do about $60m opening weekend which is in line with the other superhero releases this summer. If it’s good and people freak out about it, it could have a healthy run afterwards too. But if it’s sh-tty, and people get turned off by the suit and the CGI, well, it’ll be harder to tell Scarjo and Sean Penn to suck it. I won’t lie. I really want that for him.
As for Olivia – also attaching shots of her out for lunch yesterday with a friend, very little makeup, before getting dressed for the dinner. She really is a beautiful girl. Even more so with a natural face.
Photos from Jason Merritt/Gettyimages.com and GSI Media