Every time I watch something with Olivia Wilde in it, I’m reminded that I like her. I don’t understand why it’s hard for me to remember in between times. But there’s something about looks like this that give me an idea.
It’s just so slouchy. She seems slouchy, even though I think she probably has to stand up very straight to make that dress work right. (She’s one of the ones who IS wearing her dress tight enough). I have terrible posture, so I can’t tolerate it in others – or even the appearance of it. (Lainey: this includes me. Duana won’t admit it but she’s always sighing at me over dinner.) Her rumply hair sliding out of an elastic seems slouchy. I don’t know, it just doesn’t add up with the carefully done makeup and the dress that, let’s be clear, had to be chosen for her specifically, because it’s perfect.
She’s gorgeous, but the whole thing has the effect of making me think she’s trying to look low-maintenance, but this is quite obviously not the time. The whole point of these events is the level of extraordinary effort all to have your picture taken for 23 minutes. The injustice of her husband wearing sneakers while they do this is another topic for another time.