Has a nice ring to it, non?

Was there anyone who believed the OK Magazine cover story about Jennifer Aniston dating Three Whiskers Orlando Bloom?


As you know, Orly has been involved with Australian model Miranda Kerr for the last few months and the two have been much more public of late, officially stepping out for the first time in Australia at the AJC Australian Derby. Orly also met Miranda’s family and they apparently had lunch at the weekend.

Word is Three Whiskers seemed relaxed and happy and absolutely enchanted by his confident and engaging new girlfriend who is by all accounts nothing like Kate Bosworth.

Hopefully Miranda is the kind of woman who will inspire in Orly a stiffer composition. This of course is the limp fellow whose first reaction was to flee after a car accident in which his good friend was injured. Now that’s a real man.

Photos from Splashnewsonline.com