Oscar ratings look to be up between 6 – 10% this year over last, considered a modest success. Twihards are probably taking credit for this.

Anyway, I have a flight out of LA this afternoon. And I have to check out soon. So I’m rushing to pack to get to the airport to write some more there before getting stuck on the plane for 3 hours.

Jen vs Brange is coming.

Shelf Ass is coming.

Best and Worst dressed is coming.

But those require some brain power and focus. So we’ll get the short ones out of the way first before I can concentrate the juices into the deep sh-t. Cool?

Keep refreshing, I’ll keep writing.

And just because…

Because this requires no explanation, no embellishment…

I am OBSESSED with Sophia Loren.

Can you imagine?

Sophia Loren, Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgia Armani…a reality show?

Oh and PS. I’m still on Twitter today. It’ll be shut down tonight when I get home.

Photos from Wenn.com

Herbal Essences