The Academy has released a trailer in advance of this year’s awards. Billy Crystal must be found. Celebrity cameos happen in service of his finding. And Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel get the most airtime...

If you knew nothing about the Oscars, and you watched this preview, wouldn’t you assume that this event had something to do with people like Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel who previously co-starred in Transformers?


So the Oscars is like Transformers?

My favourite part, because I’m corny like that, is when Oscar is “an old friend”. Well that’s quite a juxtaposition. There’s Megan Fox’s pretend face representing a generation of 20 year old girls who live to be famous and Billy Crystal of the Oscar 80s, a throwback to the days when movie stars were thriving and a Hilton was just a hotel.

Intended or by accident?