PEOPLE Magazine has just named Gwyneth Paltrow the World’s Best Dressed Woman. Is PEOPLE a fashion authority?

Check out Gwyneth in black at TIFF the other night. Jessi Cruickshank, who was assigned to that carpet for etalk, said it was spectacular in person and she’s never been a fan of the G. I’m not feeling the sateen in these photos but, you know, because it’s Gwyneth, sateen on her is not as bad as sateen on anyone else. Also, it’s Tom Ford.

Tom Ford is probably why she topped this list anyway.

The Oscar cape, you remember? It was that incredible white cape. Even Duana, who cannot deal with her, had to grudgingly give it to her for that white cape.

Gwyneth is Best Dressed. So now she has something else to lord over you.

As for G at TIFF, it was in and out. She arrived that afternoon, worked the carpet in the evening, and by midnight was back at the airport for a flight to London.