Check out this close up – courtesy Flynet Images for use exclusively on – of Britney and her adorably chunky firstborn who looks like he’s growing a wee mullet. Unfortunately, at some point in the afternoon, SPF was temporarily held by none other than Hollywood Ebola herself, looking slightly but not overly uncomfortable and wearing the most curious expression – a new expression that has replaced the ingratiating one from last week. Dare I say it gossips…and don’t kill me for it…but Paris, in all of these photos with Britney, is the one who looks a little more mature, a little more patient, an almost “older sister”-like tenderness, protective, even, of our girl Britney who appears to need a mentor as she eases back into the single life celebrity clusterf&ck. Seriously…am I still on a Nyquil high or are you seeing the same thing? Source X17