You can stop reading now if you hate my gloat but I"ve been calling for a Drew/Lindsay mentorship for a while now and guess what, gossips? It has happened! All single, all hot, all troubled at one point or another...and now ALL PARTYING TOGETHER. Hyde, last night, caught on video by X17, now that Cam and Drew have rid their heavenly bodies of the Pip and the Drummer, they"re upping the A List factor on the LA club scene, sending a serious "F&ck off and die, bitch!" message to Paris Hilton in terms of who carries LEGITIMATE Star Power in Hollywood. And of course, now that they"ve taken Lilo under their divine wings, this packs some pretty powerful punch into Lindsay"s counterstrike to Paris"s recent battle tactics in their ongoing feud. Cam & Drew for Team Lindsay! Love, love, love. X17