This is why Ebola’s virus will never die – Paris Hilton has literally infected everyone.

So last week, Pam Anderson married Rick Salomon. Rick Salomon used to nail Paris, Kid Rock used to nail Pam. And Paris and Kid were spotted getting super friendly in Toronto at the weekend. You will recall, he also spent some time with her post-prison at her Malibu beach house this summer – photos attached – though Kid recently told Rolling Stone nothing went down:

“I regret to inform all of you on and offline tabloid junkies that I am not dating nor have been intimate with Paris Hilton. However, I would CONSIDER a one-night stand if heavy drinking were involved.”

Well as I understand it, when it comes to Paris, heavy drinking is involved every night. Might explain why she’s looking so bloated – and spray-puking in the staff bathroom at Ultra. Chances are she was extremely inebriated on Saturday night. Chances are even better he was too.

So they totally f&cked. Ew.
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