Can"t say I"m sorry to see them back together. Like Pam and Kid, some couples just make sense, right? And after briefly siccing her poison p&ssy on athletes from across disciplines, Paris is back with someone who truly deserves her: an aimless Greek heir, better at drinking than he is at speaking, always game for a public f&ck, and quite likely to pass out afterwards. So here"s Paris wrapped around her Stav, reportedly in love again, and since I am so pro-love these days, I"ll spare the snark just for today. Except I"m really not feelin" her foot position, you know what I mean? For someone who rehearses every single pose known to man, you"d think she"d have developed a more elegant straddle technique, non? The ankles should be angled slightly outwards, toes pointed just so, evoking the wanton lady vibe. VERY disappointing, gossips. Especially from someone as pornographically practiced as Paris.