Very exciting pictures coming out today from the Malibu set of the new Beach Boys movies. What we can see are Paul Dano (yay!), Kenny Wormald (hubba hubba), Brett Davern and Graham Rogers (Lucy Hale’s boyfriend) as the young band in the 60s, horsing around on the beach. They’re recreating those iconic imagines you can’t help but think of whenever you hear the words “Beach Boys” – cute guys, sand and surf, everyone dressed in their best California Mod.

The movie is called Love & Mercy, and it’s actually a Brian Wilson biopic, with Paul Dano playing the young BW. How perfect is that? Even if they don’t really look that much alike, Paul totally has that specific baby face, the face that somehow looks innocent yet ancient, and so damn dark. A lucky move for us Beach Boys fans out there that they cast someone with the depth and talent to pull off that role. Imagine Efron playing that part? Love him, but no way. 

What you can’t see is that the producers have made an even more interesting choice for the role of old Brian – John f*cking Cusack. I don’t know about you but everything he’s been cast in since High Fidelity has been heartbreakingly embarrassing for me to hear about. But this? This could be the start of a whole new chapter for poor old Lloyd Dobbler. The cast rounds out with even more talent, courtesy Paul Giamatti, who inarguably adds a certain amount of cred to the project. Elizabeth Banks is in it too, which…I guess is cool? (Lainey: yes, Deano. Very cool!)