CAUTION: Disturbing photos!

Relapse is a part of recovery. At Covenant House, I was told the average is well over 7 times. Pete Doherty has been through the cycle well over that. And while many were holding out hope after his most recent stint in rehab as a telltale “clean” bloat lodged itself all over his body, staying sober has become, yet again, a thing of the past.

Pete was caught using heroin, the footage is now being blasted across the British papers, and the scorn and ridicule now being levelled at him, calling for his imprisonment, will likely send him straight back to the dealer to begin anew another round of heavy, heavy drugging.


Even more sad are the people who so readily sell him out. Who is this f&cker behind the camera shooting him shooting up instead of stopping him?

To watch the video, click here. Caution – very disturbing.