Michelle Williams: THAT girl?
A week before Christmas, largely unnoticed by international media, Michelle and Heath were back in Australia for his father’s wedding. Here are a few photos – as you can see, Michelle looks lovely…very, very, very thin, but lovely all the same.
Lovely … in white.
It happens at every wedding, doesn’t it? Some girl, not the bride, inevitably shows up wearing white, and then we all look at each other and roll our eyes and whisper after the ceremony – like, um, didn’t she have anything else to wear???
And yes, obviously it’s absolutely acceptable in certain situations. My cousin was married on the beach in the Dominican Republic. She asked all of us in advance, men and women, to wear white or khaki – the photos came out beautifully.
Still…call me Crazy and sure, I could totally be wrong, but something tells me the bride didn’t command an all white wedding in this case, especially since Heath doesn’t appear to be similarly attired. And let’s be honest here - since they were not in the Caribbean or any other tropical destination – what is the percentage of brides who would voluntarily share the bridal shade with every other female guest at her reception??
Is Michelle Williams, for all the anti-fame middle finger salutes, the nasty attitude towards her fans, the “leave me alone, I don’t want the attention” posturing - in spite of all that, is Michelle Williams THAT girl?
You tell me.