From Saving Face. Maybe I"m too sick to see straight but I do not dig this ensemble. First of all, I have an aversion to pink satin on anyone but Marilyn Monroe. It looks cheap, even on my Gwynnie. But more importantly, what"s with those beads crawling up her arms? It reminds me of the intrepid Rogue from the XMen series. Rogue is played by the lovely Anna Paquin whose special gift is that she sucks the lifeforce out of anyone she touches. Which is why she has to wear gloves. The consequence of contact onscreen is a visual effects triumph, where you can actually see veins going grey and limp underneath her victims" skin - a very cool scene in a superhero movie. Not so much when Beyonce decides to wear it to the premiere of the Pink Panther. Sorry y"all. I"m not impressed. I"m sure, however, that many of you disagree. And I look forward to hearing it.